Teaching Assistant - Coursera: Robotics, Perception

Undergraduate Course, University of Pennsylvania, CIS Department, 2016

Course Description

Designed the homework, projects, and infrastructure for the Coursera course Robotics: Perception, as part of GRASP Lab’s Robotics Specialization on Coursera. Had to design the codebase, grader, and some of the teaching assets of the course. Also helped with some of the homework for Robotics Capstone course, including visualizations for the projects.

Course Details

Number of Students

20-40 Students

Topics Covered

  • Camera Models, Camera Calibration
  • Rotations and reference frames
  • Projective Transformations, Panoramas
  • Pose from Projective Transformations
  • Feature tracking, optical flow
  • Motion Field Equations
  • Epipolar Geometry
  • Bundle Adjustment