Head Teaching Assistant and Lecturer - MEAM 620: Advanced Robotics

Graduate Course, University of Pennsylvania, MEAM Department, 2016

Course Description

The capstone course for the Robotics Masters program at the University of Pennsylvania. Helped TA this course for 3 separate years: 2016, 2018, and 2019. Covering a wide range of topics, this course teaches the basics of how to design the control and perception for an autonomous quadrotor. It is a heavily project based course. In 2019, I lectured for the majority of the perception based part. In all of the years, I helped design the homework for the perception part of the course, and also maintained the autograder for the projects (using my experience from CIS 390: Planning and Perception).

Course Details

Number of Students

30-40 Students

Topics Covered

Planning and Control
  • Coordinate Frames and Transformations
  • Kinematics, Dynamics for Quadrotors
  • Basic Linear PD Controllers
  • Non-linear controllers
  • Graph Search, Dijkstras, A*, Path Planning
  • Trajectory Planning (and some optimization)
  • Differential Flatness (for Quadrotors)
  • Bayesian Filters: Kalman Filters, Extended Kalman Filters
  • Camera Models, Camera Calibration
  • Projective Geometry, analysis and estimation from measurements
  • Pose from Projective Geometry
  • Procrustes
  • Feature trackinga and Optical Flow
  • Basic Outlier Rejection: RANSAC, and Hough Transform
  • Motion Field Equations, linear and angular velocity estimation
  • Essential Matrices
  • Stereo, Multi-view Stereo
  • 2 View Structure from Motion

Lectures Given

  • Camera Models, Camera Calibration (slides)
  • Projective Geometry, analysis and estimation from measurements (slides)
  • Pose from Projective Geometry (slides)
  • Procrustes (slides)
  • Feature trackinga and Optical Flow (slides)
  • Basic Outlier Rejection: RANSAC, and Hough Transform (slides)
  • Motion Field Equations (slides)
  • Essential Matrices (slides)